World News

Federal Government Considering new methods to publicly identify potential foreign interference in elections

A senior federal official is considering new ways to inform the public about potential foreign interference developments during an election campaign.

Currently, a panel of five top bureaucrats would issue a public warning if they believed an incident – or a series of incidents – posed a threat to Canada’s ability to hold a free and fair election.

There were no such warnings issued during the 2019 or 2021 general elections.

During a commission of inquiry, Allen Sutherland, an assistant secretary to the federal cabinet, mentioned that officials are exploring methods to notify citizens about incidents that may not meet the current threshold.

This approach would help to educate people about topics they should be aware of, even if the incidents do not pose a significant risk to the integrity of an election.

Allegations of foreign interference in the past two general elections led to calls for the current public inquiry.

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