World News

Scotland to Persist in Administering Puberty Blockers to Minors

The decision by the Glasgow gender dysphoria clinic to allow children as young as twelve to take drugs, despite the recent halt of such interventions in England, has been reviewed by a watchdog.

The Scottish government’s policy of continuing to allow gender-confused children as young as twelve to be prescribed puberty-blocking drugs puts the country at odds with NHS England’s stance on the matter.

Recently, hormone treatment for children has only been allowed in England as part of clinical trials, and NHS England ruled this decision due to a lack of evidence on the safety and effectiveness of such interventions.

In contrast, Healthcare Improvement Scotland (HIS), part of the NHS service in Scotland, has recommended the continued prescribing of drugs for children, citing an increased demand from young people with gender dysphoria.

Critics, such as the charity Transgender Trend, have raised concerns about the new guidelines on Twitter.

HIS recently published a consultation document stating that young people on hormone therapies should receive accurate information, including the benefits and risks, alongside monitoring and review by medical specialists.

However, the document did not recommend withdrawing the controversial treatment for children, which can result in long-term health problems and set a young person on a path toward life-altering surgery resulting in infertility and loss of sexual function.

The guidance issued by the social care watchdog refers to Scottish legislation recognizing that a young person aged 12 and over is presumed to have sufficient capacity to make decisions about medical treatment, although this may not always be the case.

The Sandyford Clinic in Glasgow is the sole facility in Scotland currently prescribing hormone treatment for children, and has a waiting list of around 3,700 young people suffering from gender dysphoria.

The Tavistock Clinic in London, which previously paved the way in prescribing puberty blockers for young children, generated a huge amount of controversy before it was closed down in spring this year.

The clinic faced legal action initiated by so-called “detransitioners” who came to regret the life-altering treatment they received as young people.

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